A Yoga, Creativity and Transformation Retreat in the Flinders Ranges

Take a Walk on the Wild Side

A Yoga, Writing, Creation and Transformation Retreat in the Flinders Ranges

With Sally Riddell (ruby 9 yoga) and (Dr) Verity Laughton

WHEN: 12 – 17 April 2023

WHERE: Alpana Station, Blinman
Central Flinders Ranges
South Australia

COMMITMENT: $2600 single

BOOKINGS & ENQUIRIES: Sally Riddell  www.ruby9.yoga.com

Contact Sally

This sublime retreat offers you time and space to immerse yourself in a remote and extraordinary landscape, to connect with the elements, to explore nature, and to experience the calm and harmony of a supported personal journey.

Join Sally and Verity for 6 days and 5 nights amidst the amazing Flinders Ranges in South Australia. Both are experienced mentors in their respective fields. They will be your guides to this opportunity to engage with your body and mind through yoga, chant and meditation, to explore your creative self through writing, to expand your imagination through story and to nourish yourself through walking this sacred country.

By immersion in and engagement with the natural rhythms of this unique world you will be inspired and transformed. This is a soulful, intimate adventure (6 participants only).

Central Flinders Ranges Retreat

Your booking is confirmed when we have received both your $500 deposit and your signed indemnity forms. Final payment for this retreat is required by March 5th, 2023.

The Flinders Ranges is a region of astonishing beauty, a landscape of primal magnitude. The day starts crisp and cool with the dawn light. The earth pulses red and gold; and the songs of the land hum through ground, trees, bushes, and grasses, echoed by the large and small creatures of place. At day’s end, the fiery sun descends, and the night sky reveals the brightest of stars filling layer upon layer of dark, endless space.

The energy of this environment is palpable. Here the earth holds her own stories – stories in the rocks and in the skies, stories of ancient creatures, stories of the peoples of this land. Through local custodian Kristian Coulthard, we aim to bring those stories to you, and for you to evolve your own.



BOOKINGS & ENQUIRIES: Sally Riddell  www.ruby9.yoga.com

Contact Sally

“Walk on the Wild side was a unique and wonderful experience weaving the magic of breath centred yoga by a teacher who expertly integrates ancient practices for our modern times, meditation that celebrates feminine wisdom, creative writing opportunities from a master in her field. Added to this wisdom cocktail were beautiful stories told around the fire and listening to the wisdom of an indigenous elder. Peppered in were spaciousness and stillness, and the spectacular stars. If you would like to experience this transformational journey you will receive a wonderful bounty. A chance to slow down, switch off and restore.”

Michelle Beck

Alpana Station, near the tiny township of Blinman in the Central Flinders Ranges will be our home – the inspiring base from which we will venture and to which we’ll return. On some days we will walk and explore the surrounding region, our own steps following those of generations of others. On other days, we will base ourselves closer to ‘home’ connecting with features of the immediate environment.

Each day will start with a morning yoga practice with Sally to prepare you for your daily activities. Later, Verity will guide you through writing and story-making experiences and writing exercises. Each day will also hold an adventure in landscape exploration, art, chant, song, (a little!) dance and (much) imagining.

These will be mostly prepared activities but there will be room for spontaneous creative impulses too.

At the end of the day there will be a meditative practice. And under the stars, before bed, Sally or Verity will tell you a story.

Flinders Ranges - Ian Hoben

Photo: Ian Hoben

“This retreat was transformative for me – from the awesome Flinders Ranges setting, our Alpana station shearers’ quarters base, our labyrinth creation, early morning yoga and evening mediation, walks along Blinman Creek, hearing from Kristian about the rich Aboriginal history and learning about the 40,000 years old rock art, interesting and varied writing workshops, descending to the bowels of the earth at Blinman Mine through to our relaxed and wonderful hosts, Sally and Verity, who re-introduced me to the delights of storytelling around a fire at night. Just magic.”

Chris Beckingsale


Sally Riddell (Ruby 9 Yoga) is a Yoga Teacher, Yoga Therapist and teacher of Vedic Chant from Perth, Western Australia. Her skilled and inclusive practices stem from the teachings of T.Krishnamacharya, in whose tradition she has trained, with her personal teachers T.K.V. Desikachar  (T.Krishnamacharya’s son), as well as his family and specialist teachers from the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, and including chant teachers the late Radha Sundarajaran and Debby Badger and philosophy teacher Valerie Faneco.  Sally uses all the tools of yoga (āsana, prāṇāyāma, chant, meditation, reflection, visualisation, and mudra-s) in ways that are individually appropriate for each student. Her personal style of teaching is inspired by the resonance of chant, the wonder of storytelling and the workings of metaphor in daily life. She is passionate about the power of yoga, Vedic chant, and meditation to guide and inform our lives and relationships and to align us with the rhythms of the natural world.

Sally has led walking and yoga retreats in Western Australia, along one of the Camino paths in Spain (Seville to Salamanca), and in India.

With an early tertiary education in Fine Art Sally is an accomplished creator from natural and found materials. She also works with textiles, basketmaking and drawing and as a professional photographer.

“Thank you for an amazing weekend of yoga and healing. The Metamorphosis Retreat was very enjoyable, nourishing my mind, body and soul. Sally is a fabulous yoga teacher and catered to all levels of experience. Walking the labyrinth and the amazing food were my highlights.” Toni Limmer

“This was an awesome experience. A retreat created and presented with such love and professionalism” Robyn Melican.

Dr Verity Laughton  is an award-winning Adelaide-based playwright of more than 30 professionally produced works. Her plays have been produced locally, nationally and internationally and include work for mainstage drama, dance, puppets, and radio. She has also worked for television and video production. Her most recent works are the verbatim theatre piece Long Tan, produced by Brink Productions and published by Currency Press, and The Red Cross Letters, produced by the State Theatre Company of South Australia and published by Five Senses Education, alongside prose, poetry, and academic articles. She is currently working on a new commission for the STCSA production in 2023.

Verity completed a PhD in political theatre at Flinders University in 2020. In late 2019/2020 she also and immediately undertook a four month project to research and write a report on the creative industries in regional South Australia for the Legatus Group.

She is a member of the playwrights’ group, 7-ON [http://sevenon.blogspot.com/]. Her works have been published by Currency Press, Phoenix Education, Federation Press, Omnibus Books and others. She has taught creative writing at community, industry, and tertiary level throughout her career.

‘Verity Laughton, who is clearly quite the master of the craft, blowing us away with her deft and fluid ability to create a psychologically thrilling encounter all with the minimal number of brushstrokes.’   Helen Barry Australian Stage

“A rare and pleasurable work that manages technical brilliance, cultural insight and enchantment all in one go.”   Stephen Dunne Sydney Morning Herald

Dr Verity Laughton
Story Telling

Kristian Coultard

Kristian Coulthard is an Adnymathanha man who was born and grew up in the Flinders Ranges.

From a lineage of artists and guides, Kristian combines his knowledge of country with a range of craft educative, storytelling and management skills. Kristian knows his country; he knows the languages and the tales; he knows the mythology and geology, the flora and fauna of Adnymathana country, and he is and he is enthusiastic both highly informed and generous in the way he shares his knowledge and love of his place of birth.

Kristian has worked as a guide in the Wilpena and Blinman regions for many years. He is also in demand as a teacher and guide for schools and universities and as an advisor for government and ecological organisations.

This region is homeland country for the Adnyamathanha people, of the Central Flinders Ranges. It was and is a meeting point for several Aboriginal tribes, namely the Kuyani, Arabunna, Kokatha, Nukunu and Barngarla peoples. The region is rich in songline stories, and the landscape holds and amplifies the physical, mental, cultural, and spiritual narratives of these peoples.

“A lot of people don’t respect something because they don’t understand it. If they get told the right story, they’ll respect it.”

We are so lucky to have Kristian as our guide and teacher for a day. He will welcome us to country, tell us stories under the stars and take us on a walk of wonder.

Kristian Coultard     

“Sally & Verity gave a retreat that refreshed body, mind & spirit. The setting in the magnificent Flinders Ranges was awe-inspiring. The rhythm of the daily yoga sessions, walks, creative writing inspirations, storytelling & meditation flowed through each day beautifully & the creative ideas & exercises will be things I continue to practice & develop. Kristian Coultard was warm & generous in his descriptions of connection to country & many aspects of how his indigenous culture lived in that area & their beliefs & stories. I would recommend this retreat to anyone whose life’s journey is leading them to explore a wholistic connection with the natural world, to anyone who values health, healing & wellbeing for themselves & for the world in which we live. And to those who value the wisdom & meaning that can be gained through myth & story, imagination & creativity.”

Kathy Fenner

BOOKINGS & ENQUIRIESSally Riddell  www.ruby9.yoga.com

Contact Sally


Alpana Station is just a few kilometres out from the small township of Blinman in the remote Northern Flinders Ranges. The Shearer’s Quarters, where we will be staying, look comfortable if functional in the photographs. But they’re much more appealing, as we found to our delight on our reconnaissance and research trip in early 2021 and our guests confirmed in May 2022.

The quarters are spacious overall, with a great atmosphere, clean and private rooms, a choice of venues for other activities, an excellent kitchen and an outdoor fire pit and barbeque, all overlooking a stretch of tree-studded riverbed, and a long veranda for shared or reflective moments.

The beds are comfortable, and the rooms clean and welcoming. Well-maintained bathrooms and showers complete the offering. If you don’t wish to pay the linen fee* ($25.00), you will need to bring a sleeping bag (and possibly hot water bottle!). The hosts, David and Sally are passionate about their corner of the world, keen to make sure that a visit here is comfortable, inspiring, and filled with wonder and adventure. Sally Henry is a great guide to the ‘working farm’.

Alpana Station - Blinman


“The shearers quarters were very comfortable, very clean, well done bathrooms and the main dining area was terrific for classes, writing and general sitting by the fire vibes!”

Annie Holdsworth


We offer nourishing, healthy, wholesome vegetarian food that will support you in all activities. (Please let us know of any personal dietary requirements).

Each day will begin with a plentiful, delicious breakfast.

Most lunches will be on the wide, cool outside tables at Alpana. They will include a variety of soups and salads, frittatas, breads, dips, and fruit. Sometimes we may take a picnic lunch
with us as we explore the landscape around us.

And in the evenings, we will enjoy a well-earned, nutritious, and delightful dinner.

All meals will be provided from a caterer (Sorelle Food Co) and/or prepared onsite at our own kitchen.
There will be plenty of water and juice, and a choice of hot beverages. Our final meal will include a little wine for those who enjoy it.


“The food was excellent. My body felt totally healthy by the end of the week – with the yoga, hikes & such a healthy diet. And there was plenty of food, I never felt hungry.”

Chris Beckingsale


The days are designed to link you with the land, to deepen your appreciation of your own spirit, and to open the doors of your personal creativity. Each day a new adventure and each night as we sit around the fire pit, a new story under the stars. Creativity and the detailed attention that leads to transformation is the theme.

We will start each day with a yoga practice before going on to writing activities and landscape exploration, closing the day with a meditation practice, dinner, and storytelling.

Sally will guide you through yoga, meditation and chant practices and sometimes some art-making. She is an accomplished teacher able to lead students of different levels of ability and experience.

Verity is the writing and story specialist. Through her expertise you will explore and develop your writer self through an understanding of genre and form, and. For those who choose, Verity will work with you to develop a personal writing project that you can either bring to the retreat or start and develop during the period we spend together. All practices and activities will awaken you to creativity and transformation. Ideally you will leave the retreat with a potent outline for your next writing project.

Activities are designed to stimulate your creativity. They will include a group walk to Blinman Pools– a walk of discovery of the local flora, fauna, geology to weave with your own stories. Another activity features local Adnyamathanha teacher, Kristian Coulthard who will walk us through country, tell us tales of country and from the dreamtime and paint the night skies with stories from between the stars. On yet another, the evocative Blinman Mines will provide the site and backdrop for the exploration of sound, chant, and song – a ‘Sound Bath’ in the heart of Mother Earth where Sally will introduce you to the power and wonder of voice and sound.

Some practices will be indoors, others outside. The retreat framework offers you times for quiet reflection, occasions for nourishment and transformation for body, mind, and spirit. The sacredness of our environment infuses every aspect of this experience.


YOUR INVESTMENT INCLUDES: 5 nights and 6 days

Yoga for an hour each morning

Guided meditation and relaxation for an hour each evening

Creative Activities (approximately 2-3 hours daily) include:

  • Writing (journals provided)
  • Storytelling
  • Art and craft (materials provided)
  • Walking (sometimes this will encompass your daily creative work, sometimes it will be just for fun)
  • An evening of star gazing and stories
  • A tour of the Blinman mine and sound bath within
  • Tour/presentation with Kristian
  • There will also be daily free time in which you can read, write, sleep, or do whatever you like!

Meals – breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon snacks, dinner (special dietary requirements accommodated, please let us know prior to retreat)

Return to and from Adelaide to Alpana Station and to any sites nearby.


Optus is the only network available and only in the township of Blinman.

There is no WiFi

Personal Insurance – we recommend that you take out insurance stipulating that you will be hiking in the Flinders Ranges.

Any air fares to and from Adelaide.

Food and drinks in transit between Adelaide and Blinman.

Hiking clothing and boots, walking poles, waterbag, daypack.



Sally holds a current Senior First Aid Certificate and will be carrying a substantial first aid kit, as well as satellite phone and GPS locator for emergencies.
In the unlikely event of a medical emergency, there is an ambulance in Hawker (60km away), emergency services personnel in Leigh Creek and Hawker, and the Royal Flying Doctor service is available.


We require that you have a reasonable level of fitness, and that any medical issues have been discussed and cleared by your doctor. Sally is happy to discuss this element in more detail if you require.

Attached to our agreement is a medical indemnity form that you must fill in and return to us.

We also require that you sign an acknowledgement of expectations. We will send this to you at your time of booking.

We request that you have insurance and that you provide us with insurance details prior to travelling. Banks often provide insurance for credit card holders.
Alternatively you may access an insurance company of your choice.

Your booking is confirmed when we have received both your $500 deposit and your signed indemnity forms. Final payment for this retreat is required by March 5th, 2023.

On booking, we will provide you with a file detailing more information with respect to health, safety, clothing requirements and travel arrangements.

Basically, you need to be well-prepared with footwear, suitable clothing, and a supply of any medications, you may need some thermals for the cold nights. A daypack and water container, a hat and rain jacket are also recommended. We are in the outback, and you need to be prepared.

Take a Walk on the Wild Side



“Take a Walk of the Wild Side”

A Retreat of Yoga, Writing, Creativity and Transformation

In the Northern Flinders Ranges

12 – 17 April 2023

$2600 single

BOOKINGS & ENQUIRIES: Sally Riddell  www.ruby9.yoga.com

Contact Sally


12 - 17 Apr 2023


Dates to be confirmed
All Day


Northern Flinders Ranges
South Australia